It’s impossible to list every sector we’ve ever worked with, but here are just a few areas of specific interest and expertise. Needless to say, we love getting to know clients, their sectors and their markets, so the list is ever-growing.

- Driving unrestricted income
- Commercial partnerships and outreach
- Strategic and operational optimisation

Banking & finance
- Financial literacy and addressing vulnerability
- Consumer engagement
- Content development and partnerships

- Data hubs and knowledge management
- ID management and optimisation
- Governance and GDPR

Consumers & society
- Adult social care
- Scam prevention and fraud
- Consumer protection and representation

- Widening participation and engagement
- The university and apprenticeship markets
- CPD (as commercial entity and internal asset)

- Strategy, proposition and market segmentation
- Digital team OD and transformation
- Developing commercial content channels

- Consumers and the market
- Search code and regulation
- Data developments and optimisation

- Strategic reviews
- Due diligence and process implementation
- Operational guidance and management

- Strategic advice, proposition development
- Market, commercial and operational support
- Logistical delivery (aka rolling up sleeves)

Regulatory bodies
- Strategy and process
- Change management
- Culture engagement

- The UK energy market
- Collective suctions to drive market changes
- Broadband, telco and water

- Carbon reduction
- The circular economy
- The National Nature Service